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A selection of projects developed in an academic context – of fundamental, applied or more artistic research -, all with societal impact.


LOCAL — Leveraging Portuguese-Spoken Media and Journalism Training with Solutions Journalism

In early 2022, I won one of the 16 LEDE fellowships awarded by the Solutions Journalism Network (SJN) for 2022, with the LOCAL project selected from around 250 international applications. LOCAL – Leveraging Portuguese-Spoken Media and Journalism Training aims to create a database that makes available pieces of solutions journalism developed in Portuguese and an e-learning course on solutions journalism, also in Portuguese. The project also includes partnerships with local CSOs and the introduction of the topic in curricular units.

Release date: October 2022.

Cultural habits of people with disabilities

Within the scope of and as a partner of Access Lab, I coordinate the project to observe the cultural habits of people with disabilities and the hearing-impaired to identify obstacles to cultural enjoyment, throughout the inclusion chain.

sIIC – Knowing how to Innovate in Cultural and Creative Industries

Within the scope of, I coordinate the sIIC project, which aims to identify conditions (and obstacles) for innovation and creativity in two sectors of the ICC: museums and the press.

European Cooperation Project on Disinformation and Fact-Checking Training

A consortium of eight European institutions, led by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, developed a curricular program on disinformation and fact-checking aimed at professionals and students of any area, available in open access, in an e-learning regime. The project included an international congress, which took place in Lisbon. I was the local coordinator of the project between 2021 and 2022.

2021 – Observatory for Media Innovation

Creation and coordination of, an ICNOVA – NOVA Communication Institute observatory. It aims to observe editorial, creative, digital and inclusive innovation practices in the media and other creative industries and the constraints to their implementation.

Blended learning: partnerships between curricular units and society

Partnership with the association O Companheiro: coordination and editing of profiles of ex-prisoners who managed to reintegrate into society (UC of Journalism Atelier).

Examples of other partnerships

“Afghanistan: Capital of the Wanderers” (SIC/NOVA FCSH), coordinated by Pedro Coelho, in 2019. Examples of pieces here, here and here.

20 years of Ler Devagar – motto for pieces like this one and this one, published on the Ler Devagar website in 2019

Transparent Festival 2018 – Festival coverage by Communication Science students and published here

Parceria com a associação O Companheiro: coordenação e edição de perfis de ex-reclusos que conseguiram reintregrar-se na sociedade e de técnicos da associação feitos pelos alunos (uc de Atelier de Jornalismo).


Virtual reality experience for the Puppet Museum

Creation and development of a virtual reality experience for the Puppet Museum, to give narrative context to the different types of puppets and manipulation. This project was funded by ProMuseus 2019.
Team: ICNOVA (Dora Santo Silva, António Granado, Diogo Queiroz de Andrade and Patrícia Ascensão).


Podcast + Lisboa

Within the scope of the science communication project + Lisbon, a series of 6 episodes of about 15 minutes was developed, in a three-voice conversation, around the scientific production on Lisbon of a NOVA FCSH researcher.
(An original idea by the grantee of the +Lisboa project, Ana Sofia Paiva).

Postgraduation in Communication of Culture and Creative Industries

Creation and coordination of the postgraduate course in Communication of Culture and Creative Industries, at NOVA FCSH, to respond to the professionalization and market demands of the Cultural and Creative Industries. The postgraduate course lasts two semesters, offers 60 ECTS and has 30 vacancies that usually run out in the second phase of applications.


NOVA FCSH 40th anniversary

Creation, architecture and editing of content for the website commemorating the 40th anniversary of NOVA FCSH, within the scope of advising the Communications Deputy Dean of NOVA FCSH.

Other tasks for the 2018-2021 term:

  • co-supervision of NOVA FCSH’s new website launched in 2020;
  • co-coordination of NOVA FCSH’s new visual identity, established in 2019;
  • co-creation of the new media content strategy;
  • co-supervision of creative concepts for campaigns.


Website Mais Lisboa (

Design and implementation of innovative formats (such as georeferencing, cross-sectioning and cross-tagging) in a project that communicates in an accessible way, to the general public, the scientific production made at NOVA FCSH about the city of Lisbon. Editorial and team coordination (scholarship holder and student volunteers). The website has an average of 800 views per day.